$75.00 Enrollment $59 x 12-Months $49.00 24-month
Established 1981
Everything you need to look and feel your very best! 24-Hour Access, 1-on-1 Personal Training, Home Fitness Equipment & Supplement Sales.
www.jasonsfitness.com Jason’s Fitness 3724 Cottage Hill Rd. Mobile, Alabama (251) 661-4615
Time efficient 30-45 minute workouts that burn fat and build lean muscle twice as fast  as traditional exercise routines.   A studio setting to exercise without the intimidation and unwelcome stares you might  find in other gyms and health clubs.   Friendly staff that will call you by name and make you feel like you’re part of the  family and not just a number on a membership card.   Hands-on coaching and instruction on nutrition, lifestyle changes, behavioral  modification, and exercise prescription from your very own fitness coach.   Wide variety of packages to fit your needs and budget including 1-on-1 personal  training, buddy training, small group Team Training.        One of the secrets to sticking with an exercise program and seeing results is having a  coach who can provide you with motivation, accountability and personal instruction.    The secret behind the Jason’s Fit Intensity Training System (JFITS) is working with short bouts of intense exercise followed by brief recovery periods so the human body releases growth hormone and other anabolic fat burning hormones.  I have been studying different methods of training for over 40-years and I pour every ounce of that knowledge into your program!  -Jason S. Greene
One-On-One at Jason’s Fitness
New Member Starter Package 3-Personal Training Sessions ($150) 3-Smoothies ($18.00) Jason’s Fitness T-shirt ($17.95) Jason’s Fitness Gym Bag ($29.99) A $215.00+ Value Yours for only $150.00! Must be purchased within 30-days of joining.
1-Day Pass $20.00 Day Pass is not eligible for 24-hour Access.
Family Add-Ons No Enrollment! $20.00 a month first family member. $10.00 per month each additional family member. Spouse and children under age 21 only. Family add-ons must be added at the time of joining or may require a new membership agreement. An adult must accompany children under 14 at all times. No one under 19 allowed in club during un-staffed hours without parent! Tanning Add-On Tanning may be added for only $20.00 per month, per person.
Memberships include 24-Hour Access! Payment Methods: Check, credit card draft or 1-3 consecutive direct cash payments.
Now Available! PTT=Program/Training/Teaching Add-On! Now you can add a custom routine and 1-personal training and teaching session per month. Available on the 12-24 month membership only. Only $50.00 more a month!
90-Day New You!
Our most popular program now for over 20-Years. Includes a 3-Month Club Membership + up to 30 Personal Training Sessions. Free Tote, Bag Free T-shirt, Free Supplements. For people who wish to train with a trainer at least 3-times a week. $399x3-Months ($1197)
1 - O n - 1 T r a i n i n g P a c k a g e s Jason’s Right Foot 3-Session s: A custom routine and 3-personal training sessions with our trainers by appointment. Get off on the right foot! $150.00 6-Sessions: $270 $45/per 1-mo exp 12-sessions: $480 $40/per 3-mo exp 36-sessions: $1350 $37.50/per 6-mo exp
Buddy Training First person pays regular price, second person gets 1/2 off! Training together on 90-day new you or any training package.
Train with Jason Greene (Limited Availability) 12-Sessions $1,500 After initial 12-sessions price may drop based on length of commitment.
Now Accepting
3-Month-$210.00 1-Month-$75.00 Family & Tanning add on not available on 1-month.
2025 Special $599 for a year! Limited time only!
Click Here To Join Gym Online
Ask about the 2025 1st Day In Anti-Procrastination Special $25.00-$200 in free gifts when you join on your 1st visit!
Everything you need to look and feel your very best! 24-Hour Access, 1-on-1 Personal Training, Home Fitness Equipment & Supplement Sales.
www.jasonsfitness.com Jason’s Fitness 3724 Cottage Hill Rd. Mobile, Alabama (251) 661-4615
One of the secrets to sticking with an exercise program and seeing results is having a  coach who can provide you with motivation, accountability and personal instruction.    The secret behind the Jason’s Fit Intensity Training System (JFITS) is working with short bouts of intense exercise followed by brief recovery periods so the human body releases growth hormone and other anabolic fat burning hormones.  I have been studying different methods of training for over 45-years and I pour every ounce of that knowledge into your program!  -Jason S. Greene
One-On-One at Jason’s Fitness
Train with Jason Greene (Limited Availability) 12-Sessions $1,500 After initial 12-sessions price may drop based on length of commitment.
Now Available! PTT=Program/Training/Teaching Add-On! Now you can add a custom routine and 1-personal training and teaching session per month. Available on the 12-24 month membership only. Only $50.00 more a month!
1-On-1 at Jason’s Fitness
Our most popular program now for over 20-Years. Includes a 3-Month Club Membership + up to 30 Personal Training Sessions. Free Tote, Bag Free T-shirt, Free Supplements. For people who wish to train with a trainer at least 3-times a week. $399x3-Months ($1197)
90-Day New You!
1 - O n - 1 T r a i n i n g P a c k a g e s Jason’s Right Foot 3-Session s: A custom routine and 3-personal training sessions with our trainers by appointment. Get off on the right foot! $150.00 6-Sessions: $270 $45/per 1-mo exp 12-sessions: $480 $40/per 3-mo exp 36-sessions: $1350 $37.50/per 6-mo exp
Buddy Training First person pays regular price, second person gets 1/2 off! Training together on 90-day new you or any training package.
New Member Starter Package 3-Personal Training Sessions ($150) 3-Smoothies ($18.00) Jason’s Fitness T-shirt ($17.95) Jason’s Fitness Gym Bag ($29.99) A $215.00+ Value Yours for only $150.00! Must be purchased within 30-days of joining.
T ime effi cie nt 30 - 4 5 minut e wo rkout s tha t burn fa t a nd build lean muscle tw ice a s fa st a s t radit iona l exe rcise ro utines. A stud io se tt ing to ex ercis e wit hout the inti mid a tio n a nd unwelco me sta res you mig ht find in o ther gym s a nd hea lth club s. Friendly sta ff tha t will ca ll you by na me a nd ma ke you f ee l lik e you’r e pa rt of the fa mily a nd not j ust a numb er o n a m embership ca rd. Hand s - on co a ching a nd instruct ion on nutrit ion, lifes tyle cha nges, beha viora l mo difica tio n, a nd ex ercise prescrip tio n fro m your very o wn fitness co a ch. Wid e va riety of pa c ka ges to fit your need s a nd bud get includ ing 1 - on - 1 persona l tr a ining, b ud dy training , sma ll g ro u p T eam Training .
Now Accepting
Family Add-Ons No Enrollment! $20.00 a month first family member. $10.00 per month each additional family member. Spouse and children under age 21 only. Family add-ons must be added at the time of joining or may require a new membership agreement. An adult must accompany children under 14 at all times. No one under 19 allowed in club during un-staffed hours without parent! Tanning Add-On Tanning may be added for only $20.00 per month, per person. 3-Month-$210.00 1-Month-$75.00 Family & Tanning add on not available on 1-month. 1-Day Pass $20.00 Day Pass is not eligible for 24-hour Access.
Memberships include 24-Hour Access! Payment Methods: Check, credit card draft or 1-3 consecutive direct cash payments.
Enrollment $75.00 $59.00 x 12-Months $49.00 x 24-Months
2025 Special $599 for a year! Limited time only!
Click Here To Join Gym Online
www.jasonsfitness.com Jason’s Fitness 3724 Cottage Hill Rd. Mobile, Alabama (251) 661-4615
Time efficient 30-45 minute workouts that burn fat and build lean muscle twice as fast  as traditional exercise routines.   A studio setting to exercise without the intimidation and unwelcome stares you might  find in other gyms and health clubs.   Friendly staff that will call you by name and make you feel like you’re part of the  family and not just a number on a membership card.   Hands-on coaching and instruction on nutrition, lifestyle changes, behavioral  modification, and exercise prescription from your very own fitness coach.   Wide variety of packages to fit your needs and budget including 1-on-1 personal  training, buddy training, small group Team Training.         One of the secrets to sticking with an exercise program and seeing results is having a  coach who can provide you with motivation, accountability and personal instruction.    The secret behind the Jason’s Fit Intensity Training System (JFITS) is working with short bouts of intense exercise followed by brief recovery periods so the human body releases growth hormone and other anabolic fat burning hormones.  I have been studying different methods of training for over 45-years and I pour every ounce of that knowledge into your program!  -Jason S. Greene
One-On-One at Jason’s Fitness
Family Add-Ons No Enrollment! $20.00 a month first family member. $10.00 per month each additional family member. Spouse and children under age 21 only. Family add-ons must be added at the time of joining or may require a new membership agreement. An adult must accompany children under 14 at all times. No one under 19 allowed in club during un-staffed hours without parent! Tanning Add-On Tanning may be added for only $20.00 per month, per person. 3-Month-$210.00 1-Month-$75.00 Family & Tanning add on not available on 1-month. 1-Day Pass $20.00 Day Pass is not eligible for 24-hour Access.
Our most popular program now for over 20-Years. Includes a 3- Month Club Membership + up to 30 Personal Training Sessions. Free Tote, Bag Free T-shirt, Free Supplements. For people who wish to train with a trainer at least 3-times a week. $399x3-Months ($1197)
90-Day New You!
1 - O n - 1 T r a i n i n g P a c k a g e s Jason’s Right Foot 3-Session s: A custom routine and 3- personal training sessions with our trainers by appointment. Get off on the right foot! $150.00 6-Sessions: $270 $45/per 1-mo exp 12-sessions: $480 $40/per 3-mo exp 36-sessions: $1350 $37.50/per 6-mo exp
Buddy Training First person pays regular price, second person gets 1/2 off! Training together on 90-day new you or any training package.
New Member Starter Package 3-Personal Training Sessions ($150) 3-Smoothies ($18.00) Jason’s Fitness T-shirt ($17.95) Jason’s Fitness Gym Bag ($29.99) A $215.00+ Value Yours for only $150.00! Must be purchased within 30-days of joining.
Train with Jason Greene (Limited Availability) 12-Sessions $1,500  After initial 12-sessions price may drop based on length of commitment. Now Accepting Memberships include 24-Hour Access! Payment Methods: Check, credit card draft or 1-3 consecutive direct cash payments. Enrollment $75.00  $59.00 x 12-Months         $49.00 x 24-Months
One-On-One at Jason’s Fitness
Click Here To Join Gym Online
2025 Special $599 for a year! Limited time only!